Make Friends with Lactos! (乳酸友仔開始報名啦!)
2015 ‧ Educational farms in Hong Kong
- Locavore workshops ‧ fermentation revival ‧ composting demo tour ‧ Black Soils
Commissioned by the Ng Tung River Art Festival (梧桐河藝術), in collaboration with Society for Indigenous Learning (鄉土學社SoIL), Wanho Tam and Six Hang.
In response to widespread microbial animosity, workshop participants were asked to befriend Lactos (short for lactobacilli) since bacteria from human hands and cabbage leaves conjointly determine the taste of sauerkraut. Alternating material activation with concept explanations, all stages of bacterial transformation were pulled into the sensorial experience so that the newly acquired could be replicate later on with more confidence. The friendship with Lactos also made sauerkraut preparation also a part of a complete meal that caters to local taste buds.